The Writer’s Tree of Life

I absolutely love crystals and stones. One of the things I love most, besides the fact that they are just beautiful, is that each crystal or stone has certain metaphysical properties. They’ve been used since… well… forever… to promote healing, impart wisdom, inspire creativity, and on and on and on.

While researching crystals last week, I came across some information on the history and metaphysical properties of a stone called Tourmaline. Tourmaline comes in every color of the rainbow, each color adding it’s own unique property to the overall properties of Tourmaline in general and a lot of these were related to creativity. Turns out that throughout history it’s been renowned as the gem of sensitive poets and creative artists. Shakespeare even had a small collection of tourmaline jewelry to help him overcome writer’s block. It’s believed to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers during the renaissance through the late 1800s.

After watching a writer friend of mine struggle with writer’s block the past several weeks, I got an idea, a bit of an “Ah-HA!” moment if you will. I would make him one of my Tree of Life goodies. A writer’s tree, made with the stones Shakespeare used to wear!

Twas perfect!!!

So I set off in search of Tourmaline. I wanted the green, red, yellow and brown specifically for his tree since they were attributed to the Rejuvenation, activation, and inspiration of creativity.

Green:  Rejuvenates and inspires creativity. Helpful for visualization. Transforms negative to positive energy. Promotes openness and patience. In healing it aids sleep and quiets the mind.

Brown: Promotes creativity. Excellent grounding stone.

Red:  Heals the sacral chakra and increases creativity on all levels. Offers stamina and endurance.

Yellow: Activates creativity. Enhances personal power, opens up the spiritual pathway and benefits intellectual pursuits and business affairs.

Ha! Writer’s block… BE GONE!

With a lot of love, a lot of hand picking stones, a LOT of piecing together and a lot of wrestling with it, out came… the writer’s tree.

Writer’s Tree of Life

I didn’t really figure him for a pendant dude. So his I made bigger. It’s about 3 1/2″ in diameter, the stones are both opaque and crystal chips and when held up to the light it shines various colors. A bit of a sun catcher. I do wish I could have gotten a photo of that, but it’s been so rainy and overcast here that was a no go.

Writer's Tree of Life

The look of the tree changes, depending on the light, front or back lit, light or dark background, etc. I kind of fell in love with it when I finished it. Had a hard time not just keeping it for myself. 😉

Writer's Tree of Life

My Writer’s Tree of Life.  Perhaps I shall make some pendants now. There’s a lot less wrestling with those, the hanging version was a bit of a funky jigsaw puzzle and a game of which stone where. Sometimes I thought it would beat me, but in the end… I won. W00T!

Off to make something else now.

Adventures in jewelry. I am lovin’ it.

My first silver earrings!

My first post on my new site. New site YAY! Ready, set, go!

Ok. So I’ve gotten rather comfortable with all my practice wire, just twisting and wrapping like a fiend over here. The problem being, it’s not very good wire so although it’s been great fun, they aren’t really anything I would sell. So my little Etsy shop remains empty.

I ran out last week and splurged on some sterling silver. I’m afraid of it. I still muck things up pretty good, lots of trial and error, many grrrrrr do ovesr and that sort of thing. Last night, I thought I’d be brave. I have a bracelet I really want to make, all figure 8’s and green stones, but I thought I’d start simpler. Maybe some earrings. I grabbed the sterling, the pliers, and went to town.

Silver is kinda hard. I thought it would be the same as the other wire I’ve been using. Nope. Not.

I was doing alright, except the bracelet I want to make needs hammering. I want flat figure 8’s. I’ve read about hammering, but I’ve not tried it. Figured I’d give it a go on my niffty earrings.

I practiced first on some other wire, started whacking away. It was fun, and came out cool. I figured it was time to take the hammer to the silver. Did I mention silver is kinda hard?

I layed my earrings out, grabbed that hammer and gave her a good whack. Whack whack whack.

The first one came out pretty good. I was pleased. Grabbed the second one… whack whack whack. Whack whack… break. Oops. Turns out you can whack to much, or to hard or… I dunno, but you can whack it right in half. Silver went flying across the room… and hit the cat. He didn’t like that. Neither did I. That stuff is expensive.

I may not be ready for whacking silver yet.

Anyhoo, I started again, made a new one, whacked a tad gentler and out came these…

I’m rather pleased with them. So far.

Considering the whack breakage thing, I figure I’ll keep these ones, make sure they really worked and aren’t just waiting to fall apart due to over aggressive whacking. Gonna wear them today. If all goes well, maybe I’ll make more.

Adventures in silver jewelry. W00T!

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